Dough Filled With Prunes / Aluat umplut cu prune

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Posted By: Christina
Posted In:  Desserts
Page Views:  6637 views
Preparation Time:  15 minutes
Cooking Time:  45 minutes
Course: desserts

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servings: 6-10


1 lb. sifted flour
1/2 lb. butter
4 eggs
1 roll soaked in milk


Get out a large wooden board (if you are not familiar with a board you may use a wooden bowl). Add to one pound of sifted flour 1/2 pound of sweet butter and work the butter into the flour with your hands. Now add one whole egg, 3 yolks, a small roll soaked in milk and pressed out, and add the neees sary salt. Mix the ingredients and when you get a dough, work on it until you get it nice and smooth. Sprinkle the board with Hour while you knead the dough, so it will not stick to I he wood. Cover the dough with a napkin and let stand in a cool place for 15 to 20 minutes.
After it is rested, sprinkle the board with flour and cut the dough in half.

 Roll out each to the thickness of thick noodles and cut into squares large enough to hold the prune filling. Take a square and place in the center some softened prune meat (or fresh plum), join opposite tips of the square together, then join the other two opposite tips, completely folding in the prune.

Before pressing the tips together dip the corners in beaten eggs or smear the edges of the squares, so that the op¬posite ends will stick to each other. When finished, arrange the prune-filled pieces in a buttered baking pan. Brush them well with beaten egg and bake in a hot oven to a nice light brown.

This dough can be used for other fruits such as apricots or peaches, either fresh or if dried, they must first be softened.

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