French Toast / Friganele

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1 of 1 Photos Dan Petra
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Posted By: Dan Petra
Posted In:  Breads
Page Views:  3448 views
Preparation Time:  2 minutes
Cooking Time:  10 minutes
Course: breakfast

Other Info

servings: 2-4








2-3 Tbs


2 Tbs

â…› tsp

Vanilla (optional)

â…› tsp

To taste


To taste

1 Tbs


14 g

4 slices


4 slices


1. In shallow bowl, beat eggs. Add milk, vanilla and cinnamon. Mix well.

2. Heat a skillet over a medium flame. Add oil.

3. Dip a slice of bread into the egg the mixture covering both sides. Let the egg mixture soak in for several seconds.

4. Lay the bread in the skillet and let it cook on the bottom. Flip the bread and cook on the other side. (Turn down the heat if the bread is browning before it is hot all the way through).

5. Repeat until all the French Toast is cooked.


Notes: French Toast is very simple and can be enjoyed at any time of day. Serve with butter, cinnamon, syrup, jam or powdered sugar.


Variations: Egg-in-the-Middle French Toast: Cut a hole in the center of a slice of bread with a glass. Dip the bread with the hollow center into the egg and milk (no vanilla or cinnamon) and place it in the pan. Quickly crack an egg into the hole in the center of the bread. Let this cook for about 1-2 minutes until well-cooked on one side and carefully flip, to finish cooking. Make sure the pan is well-greased or oiled or the egg will stick. You can top this savory treat with a slice of cheese (it will melt while the second side cooks), and a sprinkle of paprika or herbs.

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