Ice Cream / Inghetata

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1 of 1 Photos Dan Petra
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Posted By: Dan Petra
Posted In:  Desserts
Page Views:  2680 views
Preparation Time:  30 minutes
Cooking Time:  180 minutes
Course: desserts

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servings: 10-20






Egg yolks (large)


½ c


60 g

3 c


480 ml

½ c


80 ml

2-4 tsp


2 – 4 tsp


1. In a medium mixing bowl whisk eggs until frothy.  Gradually add sugar and whisk until they are combined.

2. Mix milk and cream in medium saucepan and slowly heat (stirring occasionally) to a simmer. Remove from heat and set aside.

3. Once the milk mixture has cooled a bit, pour it very slowly into the egg mixture (stirring constantly).

4. Once combined, return the mixture to the saucepan and heat gently over a low flame. Stirring frequently, bring mixture to 150-160 F, or until mixture coats the back of a spoon. If the mixture gets too hot – or boils you’ll end up with ice crystals and un-creamy ice cream.

5. Pour the mixture in a separate container and let sit for 30 minutes at room temperature.  Add vanilla extract and mix well.

6. Place mixture in refrigerator uncovered for 1 to 2 hours. Then cover and store in refrigerator overnight or for 8 hours until mixture reaches 40 F or below.

7. Pour into ice cream maker container and process according to manufacturers recommendations. Approximately 20 to 30 minutes.

8. Serve as soft serve or freeze an additional 2 to 4 hours until desired hardness.


Notes: Though a mechanical ice cream maker is definitely preferable, using this recipe without a machine will result in something close to ice cream (plus you’ll get a killer workout). Finding an ice cream maker is a good excuse to meet new people around your site. You’d be surprised, even in small villages there’s often someone with some sort of ice cream maker (this can also be a good way to familiarize yourself with communist-era appliances). If you try to make this recipe by hand, put the chilled mixture into a deep bowl or pot surrounded by ice and salt. You’ll then need to alternate stirring until you think you’re going to die and putting the mixture in the freezer for 20-30 min to chill.


Variations: Now the fun stuff! You can put anything into Ice Cream. Chocolate (powder, syrup, chunks), fruits, nuts, honey, cookies, wine; anything you can dream up.  Generally, don’t add the extra ingredients until after you have heated the cream mixture.  Volunteers have even made Palinka Ice Cream for a version of Hagen Daz Rum Raisin. Warning – if you add too much booze, your Ice Cream won’t freeze properly. If you’re really lucky, you’ll get the best Ice Cream in the world if you can get hold of some water buffalo milk (bibilo). Generally only found in small villages, but check around as it is worth it.  Please do not use low fat milk or boxed UHT milk.  It is over pasteurized and homogenized and just brings nothing to the party.  If you can get fresh milk – do it.  It is well worth the effort!

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