Sauteed Mushrooms / Ciuperci sote

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Posted By: Christina
Posted In:  Side Dishes
Page Views:  3894 views
Preparation Time:  5 minutes
Cooking Time:  10 minutes
Course: lunch/snacks

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servings: 4-6





1 lb

Fresh mushrooms

½ kg

1 Tbs


1 Tbs

2 Tbs


30 g


Garlic clove



1.  Clean and slice the mushrooms.

2.  In a large pan, heat the oil and butter over a medium-high flame. Once the butter has melted, stir well and toss in the mushrooms. Shake the pan to coat the mushrooms and to keep them from scorching (reduce heat to medium or low if needed).

3.  Drop in one peeled clove of garlic, whole or minced.

4.  Sauté uncovered for 3-5 minutes. At first, the mushrooms will seem dry and will absorb the fat, but continue to cook, and they will release their water and become tender.

5.  Remove the garlic if whole, and serve.


Notes: If using these delectable mushrooms as a garnish or vegetable, serve at once. Otherwise, they are great added to other dishes. Try them with Creamed Spinach*.


References: *See the Creamed Spinach recipe.

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