Shepherd's Sauerkraut Stew / Tocana Ciobanului

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1 of 1 Photos Dan Petra
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Posted By: Dan Petra
Posted In:  Traditional Recipes
Page Views:  4925 views
Preparation Time:  30 minutes
Cooking Time:  45 minutes
Course: dinner

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servings: 6-10


4 or 5 large onions
1 cup sour cream
bacon drippings
red paprika, thyme, dill
2 lbs. sauerkraut
1 bunch scallions
2 lbs. pork or spareribs
pepper and salt


Chop 4 or 5 large onions and fry in an iron pan with 3 tablespoonfuls of bacon drippings until the onions are soft. Add pepper and salt to taste. Take 2 pounds of sauerkraut, rinse in cold water and squeeze out the excess liquid. If you prefer it more sour, do not wash the sauerkraut.

Add to the pan and mix with the fried onions. Fry for 10 minutes. Stir a few times to prevent burning. Cut into cubes 2 pounds of pork meat or spareribs, place in a separate pan and sear quickly until nicely colored but not enough to dry the meat.
In a deep pot put one tablespoonful of bacon drippings, add the chopped greens of a bunch of scallions and fry them a little. Now add the sauerkraut and onion mixture and the meat.

Mix well together, place tightly covered pot on a low fire, add a cup of cold water and cook slowly. (If necessary add a little more cold water to have just a little sauce when finished.) Before the sauerkraut is completely cooked, add one cup of sour cream and sprinkle with a little red paprika to taste, some thyme and fresh or dry dill, mix well and cook a little longer until the sauerkraut is done.

Cover and let stand for at least an hour to allow the herbs to penetrate throughout the mixture. Heal again just before serving and place a heaping tablespoonful of sauerkraut on each plate. Garnish with boiled potatoes and sprinkle with chopped parsley.
All these cabbage dishes are one-course dinners, very palatable, and they get better by standing. Therefore it is always advisable to prepare a few days' supply, especially when you know you'll be too busy to cook, when you are engaged in club or churl i work. If you are a business girl you can prepare enough over j week end to last you for a whole week of suppers.

I mix min the sauerkraut my boiled potatoes and it is just delicious. Sere with hot or cold mamaliga (see Mamaliga recipe).

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