Veal Stew in Wine / Tocana de vitel in vin

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1 of 1 Photos Dan Petra
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Posted By: Dan Petra
Posted In:  Beef
Page Views:  4785 views
Preparation Time:  20 minutes
Cooking Time:  45 minutes
Course: dinner

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servings: 4-6


breast of veal
1 glass white wine
sour cream
4 tbs. lard                                            
2 cups broth
1 small onion                                      
1 egg
fennel, parsley, thyme              
1 lemon
2 tomatoes                                          
salt and pepper


Buy a nice piece of breast of veal, have the bones cracked by the butcher, wipe and dredge in flour. Heat in a deep iron pin 3 tablespoonfuls of lard or even better, bacon drippings, and when hot fry a finely chopped small onion to a nice brown. Add one tablespoonful each of chopped parsley and fennel and inimer slowly. Heat in a separate pan one tablespoonful of lard and when very hot sear the meat quickly to crispness and n brown color on both sides.
Add the veal to the simmering greens and on top of the meat place 2 sliced tomatoes and sprinkle with a little thyme. Into the pan where you seared die meat add a glass of white wine, bring it to a boil and pour di is over the tomatoes.
Boil slowly for one hour, then add 2 or 3 lablespoonfuls of sour cream and one cup of hot broth, and lonlinue cooking until tender.
Make a sauce as follows. Mix one well-beaten egg with the juice of one lemon and add to it slowly one cup of broth. Heat over a slow fire, stirring constantly, until the sauce is thick, but be careful not to boil. Add salt and pepper. When ready to serve, pour the sauce over the meat and sprinkle with a little finely chopped parsley. A very delicious dish, becoming even more lusty the following day. When reheating use a double boiler.

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